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Carnegie Stage Section
 <   >  search results: retinal fissure Search   14-309 16-351 16-355 17-343
C-3 spinal ganglion, aortic arch 3, arytenoid swelling, carotid duct, diencephalon, dorsal sulcus, edge of lens vesicle, epithalamus, hypaxial part of myotome, hypoglossal nerve (CN XII), intraretinal space (optic vesicle cavity), junction of intraretinal space (optic vesicle cavity) and optic stalk lumen (CN II), neural layer of retina, optic chiasma (chiasmatic plate), optic stalk lumen (CN II), pigmented layer of retina, pineal bud, precardinal vein, premuscle mass of tongue, retinal fissure, terminal branches of mandibular nerve (CN V₃), thyroglossal duct, ventral part of pharyngeal pouch 3 becomes thymus gland, vertebral artery
0 μm
Carnegie Embryo #6517   |   Location: 15-04-01

Keywords: C-3 spinal ganglion, aortic arch 3, arytenoid swelling, carotid duct, diencephalon, dorsal sulcus, edge of lens vesicle, epithalamus, hypaxial part of myotome, hypoglossal nerve (CN XII), intraretinal space (optic vesicle cavity), junction of intraretinal space (optic vesicle cavity) and optic stalk lumen (CN II), neural layer of retina, optic chiasma (chiasmatic plate), optic stalk lumen (CN II), pigmented layer of retina, pineal bud, precardinal vein, premuscle mass of tongue, retinal fissure, terminal branches of mandibular nerve (CN V₃), thyroglossal duct, ventral part of pharyngeal pouch 3 becomes thymus gland, vertebral artery

Source: The Virtual Human Embryo.