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Fact Sheet - Lead

  Beginner   Intermediate   Advanced

  • Lead is a poison that harms almost all parts of the body.
  • Lead is a metal found in natural deposits as ores containing other elements. It is sometimes used in household plumbing materials or in water supply pipes used to bring water into many homes.
  • Lead may occur in drinking water either by contamination of the source water used by the water system, or by corrosion of lead plumbing or fixtures. Corrosion of plumbing is by far the greatest cause for concern.
  • Lead exposure can harm fetuses and young children.
  • Even children who seem healthy can have high levels of lead in their bodies.
  • Removing lead-based paint improperly can increase the danger to your family.
  • Children with high levels of lead in their bodies can suffer from damage to the brain and nervous system, behavior and learning problems (such as hyperactivity), slowed growth, hearing problems, and headaches.
  • In general, the older your home, the more likely it has lead-based paint.
  • Lead can be found in soil around homes. Soil can pick up lead from exterior paint, or other sources such as past use of leaded gas in cars.
  • Lead in soil can be a hazard when children play in bare soil or when people bring soil into the house on their shoes.


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