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Stage 7

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caudal edge of: 9-151
cephalic edge of: 9-115
distal end of: 7-72
distal part of: 7-73, 7-74
caudal edge of: 7-83
in connecting stalk: 8-210, 8-211, 8-213, 8-216, 8-217, 8-219, 8-221, 8-222
junction with umbilical vesicle cavity: 8-197
allantoic mesenchyme: 7-72, 7-73, 7-75, 7-78, 7-79, 7-80, 7-81, 7-82, 7-87, 7-88, 7-89
artifact disruption of: 21-247
attachment to ventral body wall: 12-216
attachment to ventral body wall (caudal part of head fold): 12-201
caudal edge of specialized cells in: 6-40
cephalic edge of: 6-10, 7-19, 7-77
cephalic part of: 7-20
ectoderm: 10-331
extra-embryonic endoderm: Movie 7-1
junction with epiblast: 6-28, Movie 7-2
junction with tail fold: 10-395
mesoderm: 10-331
specialized cells in: 6-38
wall: Movie 8-1
amniotic cavity: 5a-1-34, 5a-1-35, 5a-1-36, 5a-1-37, 5a-1-41, 5a-1-42, 5a-1-43, 5a-1-44, 5a-1-47, 5a-1-48, 5a-2-12, 5a-2-13, 5a-2-14, 5a-2-15, 5a-2-16, 5a-2-17, 5a-2-18, 5b-44, 5b-45, 5b-46, 5b-47, 5b-48, 5b-49, 5c-60, 5c-61, 5c-62, 5c-63, 5c-64, 5c-65, 5c-66, 5c-67, 5c-70, 5c-71, 5c-72, 5c-74, 5c-75, 5c-77, 5c-78, 6-12, 6-14, 6-20, 6-21, 6-23, 6-25, 6-28, 6-29, 6-30, 6-31, 6-32, 6-33, 6-35, 6-36, 7-16, 7-17, 7-18, 7-19, 7-20, 7-24, 7-25, 7-26, 7-29, 7-30, 7-31, 7-32, 7-33, 7-34, 7-35, 7-39, 7-40, 7-41, 7-44, 7-57, 7-58, 7-59, 7-62, 7-69, 7-70, 7-71, 7-72, 7-73, 7-74, 8-37, 8-39, 8-43, 8-65, 8-70, 8-73, 8-81, 8-85, 8-89, 8-99, 8-105, 8-111, 8-117, 8-125, 8-132, 8-135, 8-143, 8-147, 8-149, 8-153, 8-157, 8-159, 8-161, 8-165, 8-175, 8-179, 8-181, 8-183, 8-185, 8-187, 8-196, 8-201, 8-203, 8-205, 8-207, 8-210, 8-211, 8-213, 8-216, 8-217, 8-221, 8-222, 9-1, 9-2, 9-3, 9-4, 9-5, 9-7, 9-8, 9-9, 9-17, 9-24, 9-26, 9-27, 9-29, 9-36, 9-53, 9-75, 9-79, 9-82, 9-83, 9-84, 9-89, 9-105, 9-110, 9-122, 9-123, 9-136, 9-138, 9-144, 9-148, 9-153, 10-24, 10-27, 10-139, 10-215, 10-240, 10-242, 10-257, 10-258, 10-259, 10-283, 10-293, 10-297, 10-308, 10-312, 10-314, 10-315, 10-318, 10-320, 10-344, 10-348, 10-349, 10-354, 10-356, 10-358, 10-381, 10-386, 11-169, 11-172, 11-178, 11-184, 11-199, 11-220, 11-244, 11-247, 11-253, 11-256, 11-268, 11-289, 11-304, 11-322, 11-325, 11-385, 12-201, 12-204, 12-207, 12-210, 12-213, 12-216, 12-219, 12-222, 12-240, 12-243, 12-261, 12-264, 12-273, 12-279, 12-294, 12-312, 12-315, 12-339, 12-345, Fig. 5a-1-3, Fig. 5a-1-8, Fig. 5a-2-6, Fig. 5b-6, Fig. 5c-22, Fig. 6-1, Fig. 6-5, Fig. 6-6, Fig. 6-17, Fig. 6-19, Fig. 6-26, Fig. 6-27, Fig. 6-28, Fig. 7-1, Fig. 7-11, Fig. 7-27, Fig. 7-32, Fig. 7-33, Atlas 1-4, Atlas 2-2, Atlas 3-2-1, Atlas Fig. 1-4, Atlas Fig. 2-1, Atlas Fig. 2-2, Atlas Fig. 2-3, Atlas Fig. 2-4, Atlas Fig. 2-5, Atlas Fig. 2-6-1, Atlas Fig. 2-6-2, Atlas Fig. 2-6-3, Atlas Fig. 3-1, Atlas Fig. 3-2-2, Atlas Fig. 3-2-5, Atlas Fig. 3-3, Atlas Fig. 3-4-1, Atlas Fig. 3-4-2, Atlas Fig. 3-5-6, Atlas Fig. 3-5-7
caudal edge of: 6-39, 7-76
caudal part of: 6-38, 7-75
cephalic edge of: 6-10, 7-13, 8-35
cephalic part of: 7-14, 7-15
primordium of: 4-24, 4-27, 4-28, 4-29, 4-30, Fig. 4-16, Fig. 5a-1-3
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edge of: 5c-27, 5c-124
chorionic cavity (extra-embryonic coelom or exocoelom): 7-1, 7-2, 7-3
chorionic plate: 6-12, 7-7, 7-8, 7-9, Fig. 7-32, Fig. 7-33, Movie 7-1
area of primordium: Movie 7-1
caudal edge of: 11-364
primordium of: Fig. 7-27, Movie 7-2
region of: Movie 11-1
allantoic diverticulum in: 8-210, 8-211, 8-213, 8-216, 8-217, 8-219, 8-221, 8-222
caudal edge of: 7-86
cephalic edge of: 7-4, 7-5, 7-6
cephalic part of: 7-21, 7-22, 7-23
mesenchyme: 8-185, 9-128, 9-145, 11-322, 11-325
blood vessel in: 8-205
mesenchyme: 6-44
cell projection: Fig. 4-13
cell protrusions: Fig. 4-15
clumps: Fig. 5c-12
edge of: 5a-2-1, 5a-2-42
nuclei: 4-33
previllus clump of: 5b-21, 5b-51, 5b-58
shell: Fig. 7-7
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caudal end of: Movie 8-1
cephalic edge of: 6-6, 7-10
cephalic end of: Movie 7-1, Movie 7-2, Movie 8-1
cephalic part of: 6-8, 7-11, 7-12
lateral edge of: 7-51, 7-52, 7-53, 7-60, 7-61, 7-62
caudal part of: 6-38
cephalic end of: Movie 7-2
dorsal surface of: Movie 7-2
junction with amnion: 6-28, Movie 7-2
mitotic figure in: 5a-2-17
one-layered: 7-48, 7-49, 7-50
outer surface of: Movie 7-1, Movie 7-2
tangentially cut: 8-210, 8-211
ventral surface of: Movie 7-2
external cyst: 7-72, 7-73
caudal edge of: 7-75
caudal part of: 7-74
extra-embryonic ectoderm: 6-26, 7-48, 7-49, 7-50, 7-54, 7-55, 7-56, 8-83, 8-197, 8-205, 9-1, 9-3, 9-5, 9-7, 9-26, 10-291, 11-301, 11-307
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caudal edge of: 9-150
cephalic part of: 9-132
primordial: Movie 6-1
caudal end of: 6-36
cephalic part of: 6-34
gastrulation (primitive) node: 7-48, 7-49, 7-51, 7-52, 7-53, Fig. 7-2, Fig. 7-3, Fig. 7-12, Fig. 7-32, Fig. 7-33, Movie 7-2
presumptive: 6-32, Movie 6-1
caudal part of: 7-72, 7-73
cephalic part of: 9-135
caudal end of: 6-35, 6-36
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head mesenchyme: 6-13, 6-14, 6-15, 6-17, 6-18, 6-20, 6-23, 6-24, 6-26, 6-28, 6-29, 7-21, 7-22, 7-23, 7-24, 7-25, 7-27, 7-30, 7-31, 7-33, 7-35, 7-38, 7-40, 7-41, 7-42, 7-43, 7-46, 7-48, 7-49, 7-50, 7-51, 7-52, 7-53, 8-35, 8-37, 8-45, 8-46, 8-49, 8-67, 8-85, 8-89, 8-91, 8-93, 8-97, 8-99, 8-101, 8-103, 8-107, 8-115, 8-124, 8-137, 8-141, 8-145, 8-149, 8-153, 9-7, 9-8, 9-9, 9-10, 9-11, 9-14, 9-16, 9-17, 9-25, 9-32, 9-33, 9-37, 9-39, 9-43, 9-46, 9-49, 9-50, 9-53, 9-58, 9-59, 9-61, 9-62, 9-65, 10-15, 10-19, 10-20, 10-24, 10-27, 10-30, 10-60, 10-61, 10-63, 10-96, 10-105, 10-135, 10-137, 11-13, 11-25, 11-28, 11-31, 11-44, 11-64, 11-88, 11-97, 11-115, 11-118, 11-127, 12-3, 12-5, 12-9, 12-12, 12-15, 12-18, 12-20, 12-30, 12-33, 12-39, 12-42, 12-90, 12-99, 12-102, 13-9, 13-10, 13-12, 13-13, 13-14, 13-15, 13-16, 13-17, 13-19, 13-20, 13-24, 13-27, 13-28, 13-29, 13-32, 13-33, 14-1, 14-11, 14-21, 14-31, 14-41, 14-51, 14-73, 14-101, 16-1, 16-9, 16-13, 16-21, 16-37, 16-45, 16-81, 16-85, 16-97, 16-105, 16-109, 16-117, 16-135, 16-143, 16-147, 16-163, 16-207, 16-219, 16-359, 16-375, 16-379, 16-399, 16-425, 16-437, 16-445, 16-453, 16-491, 16-507, 17-37, 17-73, 17-97, 17-247, 17-330, 17-337, 17-463, 17-480, 18-70, 18-89, 18-95, 18-101, 18-118, 18-123, 18-154, 18-171, 18-183, 18-215, 18-221, 18-250, 18-320, 18-377, 19-1, 19-163, 21-18, 21-19, 21-23, 21-31, 21-41, 21-47, 21-51, 21-53, 21-55, 21-61, 21-69, 21-89, 21-97, 21-135, 21-143, 21-169, 21-177, 21-179, 21-181, 22-1, 22-13, 22-25, 22-37, 22-49, 22-61, 22-73, 22-109, 22-229, 22-253, 22-325, 22-385, 22-460, Fig. 7-32, Fig. 7-33, Movie 7-1, Movie 7-2
hemangiogenesis: 7-63
hemangiogenic tissue: 7-39, 7-40, 7-41, 7-45, 7-46, 7-47, 7-64, 7-87, 7-88
clump of cells in: 6-22, 6-24, 6-27
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internal cyst: 7-72, 7-73, 7-74, 7-75, 7-76, 7-77
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junction of amnion and embryonic disc: 7-27, 7-28, 7-29
junction of amnion and epiblast plate: 7-36, 7-37, 7-38
junction of embryonic and extra-embryonic mesoblast: 7-45
junction of mesenchyme in connecting stalk and umbilical vesicle wall: 7-90, 7-91
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angioblastic tissue of: 5c-65, 5c-66, 5c-67, 5c-85, 5c-86
condensed extra-embryonic: 5c-75, 5c-80
condensed: 5c-55
extra-embryonic (somatopleuric layer): 7-24, 7-25, 7-26
in caudal wall of secondary umbilical vesicle: 6-50, 7-99, 7-100
intra-embryonic: Fig. 7-8
previllous crest of: 5c-70, 5c-95
mesoblast (mesenchyme): 6-1, 6-2, 6-6, 6-8, 6-18, 6-20, 6-24, 7-13, 7-14, 7-15, 7-33
of peritoneal cavity: 12-267, 12-270
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cephalic end of: 7-39, 7-40, 7-41
deep to endoderm: Movie 8-1
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primordial blood cells in primordial blood vessel: 7-63
primordial germ cell(s): 6-26, 6-36, 6-40, 6-46, 6-49, 6-50, 7-33, 7-72, 7-75, Atlas 4-2, Atlas 5-4, Atlas 7-4, Atlas 8-4
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engulfing endometrial gland cells: 5a-1-71, 5b-70
engulfing wall of endometrial gland: 5a-1-65
lacunar spaces of: Fig. 5c-19
nuclei: 4-17, 4-22, 4-32
edge of: 5a-1-8
space(s) within: 5a-1-61, 5a-1-62, 5a-1-63
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transition from gastrulation node to gastrulation (primitive) streak: 7-54, 7-55

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