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Carnegie Stage Section
 <   >  search results: chiasmatic part of diencephalon Search   13-87 13-88 13-89 13-90
chiasmatic part of diencephalon, dermatomyotome 5 (C-1), dermatomyotome 6 (C-2), dorsal aorta, dorsal thalamus, endocardium, epicardial ridge, epithalamus, left atrium, marginal layer of spinal cord, median mandibular groove, notochord, optic stalk (CN II), pericardial cavity, precardinal vein, prosencoel (third ventricle), right atrium, sclerotome, separation artifact, tracheo-esophageal tube, truncus arteriosus, ventral thalamus
0 μm
Carnegie Embryo #836   |   Location: 06-01-02

Keywords: chiasmatic part of diencephalon, dermatomyotome 5 (C-1), dermatomyotome 6 (C-2), dorsal aorta, dorsal thalamus, endocardium, epicardial ridge, epithalamus, left atrium, marginal layer of spinal cord, median mandibular groove, notochord, optic stalk (CN II), pericardial cavity, precardinal vein, prosencoel (third ventricle), right atrium, sclerotome, separation artifact, tracheo-esophageal tube, truncus arteriosus, ventral thalamus

Source: The Virtual Human Embryo.