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Carnegie Stage Section
 <   >  search results: optic cup Search   14-277 14-300 15-164 15-168
aortic sac, caudal edge of pharyngeal arch 3, cephalic edge of C-3 spinal ganglion, cephalic edge of pericardial cavity, diencephalon, diencoel (third ventricle), dorsal aorta, dorsal thalamus, edge of optic stalk (CN II), external layer of optic cup, internal layer of optic cup, laryngeal condensation, lens vesicle, mandibular prominence of pharyngeal arch 1, notochord, optic cup, optic stalk (CN II), oral fissure, pharyngeal arch 2, pharyngeal groove 1, pharyngeal pouch 4, precardinal vein, pretectum, spinal accessory nerve (CN XI), sulcus medius, synencephalon, ultimopharyngeal pouch, ventral thalamus
0 μm
Carnegie Embryo #6502   |   Location: 14-02-03

Keywords: aortic sac, caudal edge of pharyngeal arch 3, cephalic edge of C-3 spinal ganglion, cephalic edge of pericardial cavity, diencephalon, diencoel (third ventricle), dorsal aorta, dorsal thalamus, edge of optic stalk (CN II), external layer of optic cup, internal layer of optic cup, laryngeal condensation, lens vesicle, mandibular prominence of pharyngeal arch 1, notochord, optic cup, optic stalk (CN II), oral fissure, pharyngeal arch 2, pharyngeal groove 1, pharyngeal pouch 4, precardinal vein, pretectum, spinal accessory nerve (CN XI), sulcus medius, synencephalon, ultimopharyngeal pouch, ventral thalamus

Source: The Virtual Human Embryo.