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Carnegie Stage Section
 <   >  search results: junction of mesencoel and third ventricle Search   15-160 16-271
C-4 spinal ganglion, aortic arch 4, aortic sac, dorsal aorta, hypothalamic sulcus, intraretinal space (optic vesicle cavity), junction of mesencoel and third ventricle, laryngeal pharynx, lateral lingual swelling of tongue, lens vesicle, mandibular nerve (CN V₃), maxillary prominence of pharyngeal arch 1, mesencoel (cerebral aqueduct), optic cup cavity, optic stalk (CN II), oral fissure, oronasal cavity, pharyngeal arch 2, pharyngeal pouch 4, precardinal vein (internal jugular vein), primordial maxillary vein, third ventricle, ultimopharyngeal pouch, ventral thalamus, vertebral artery
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Carnegie Embryo #721   |   Location: 8-03-04

Keywords: C-4 spinal ganglion, aortic arch 4, aortic sac, dorsal aorta, hypothalamic sulcus, intraretinal space (optic vesicle cavity), junction of mesencoel and third ventricle, laryngeal pharynx, lateral lingual swelling of tongue, lens vesicle, mandibular nerve (CN V₃), maxillary prominence of pharyngeal arch 1, mesencoel (cerebral aqueduct), optic cup cavity, optic stalk (CN II), oral fissure, oronasal cavity, pharyngeal arch 2, pharyngeal pouch 4, precardinal vein (internal jugular vein), primordial maxillary vein, third ventricle, ultimopharyngeal pouch, ventral thalamus, vertebral artery

Source: The Virtual Human Embryo.