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Carnegie Stage Section
 <   >  search results: T-2 ventral root Search   16-678
T-1 dorsal root, T-2 spinal ganglion, T-2 ventral root, T-3 intercostal nerve, afferent hepatic vein, aorta, blastema of rib 3, cystic duct, dorsal mesogastrium, ductus venosus, gall bladder, left lobe of liver, mesonephros, right lobe of liver, stomach, sympathetic trunk
0 μm
Carnegie Embryo #6517   |   Location: 29-01-06

Keywords: T-1 dorsal root, T-2 spinal ganglion, T-2 ventral root, T-3 intercostal nerve, afferent hepatic vein, aorta, blastema of rib 3, cystic duct, dorsal mesogastrium, ductus venosus, gall bladder, left lobe of liver, mesonephros, right lobe of liver, stomach, sympathetic trunk

Source: The Virtual Human Embryo.