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Carnegie Stage Section
 <   >  search results: sternocleidomastoid / trapezius muscle Search   17-271 17-303 17-337
C-3 spinal ganglion, abducens nerve (CN VI), basal plate cartilage, basilar artery, basisphenoid condensation, cochlear duct, cochlear ganglion (CN VIII), dorsal fasciculus, edge of cochlear duct, edge of metencephalon (pons), edge of pharyngeal pouch 1, epimere, hypoglossal nerve (CN XII), internal carotid artery, missing tissue (artifact), neural arch, notochord, precardinal vein, sclerotome, sternocleidomastoid / trapezius muscle, sulcus limitans
0 μm
Carnegie Embryo #6520   |   Location: 8-03-03

Keywords: C-3 spinal ganglion, abducens nerve (CN VI), basal plate cartilage, basilar artery, basisphenoid condensation, cochlear duct, cochlear ganglion (CN VIII), dorsal fasciculus, edge of cochlear duct, edge of metencephalon (pons), edge of pharyngeal pouch 1, epimere, hypoglossal nerve (CN XII), internal carotid artery, missing tissue (artifact), neural arch, notochord, precardinal vein, sclerotome, sternocleidomastoid / trapezius muscle, sulcus limitans

Source: The Virtual Human Embryo.