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Carnegie Stage Section
 <   >  search results: ventricular eminence(s) Search   18-292 18-313 19-359 19-366 19-373
C-1 dorsal root, C-1 spinal nerve, alisphenoid, basi-occipital (basal plate), basisphenoid, caudal edge of adenohypophysis, cephalic edge of C-2 spinal ganglion, cephalic edge of pharynx, hypoglossal canal, mandibular nerve (CN V₃), maxillary nerve (CN V₂), notochord, ophthalmic nerve (CN V₁), orbitosphenoid, pharyngotympanic tube, precardinal vein, spinal accessory nerve (CN XI), third ventricle, ventricular eminence(s), vertebral artery
0 μm
Carnegie Embryo #4430   |   Location: 11-23

Keywords: C-1 dorsal root, C-1 spinal nerve, alisphenoid, basi-occipital (basal plate), basisphenoid, caudal edge of adenohypophysis, cephalic edge of C-2 spinal ganglion, cephalic edge of pharynx, hypoglossal canal, mandibular nerve (CN V₃), maxillary nerve (CN V₂), notochord, ophthalmic nerve (CN V₁), orbitosphenoid, pharyngotympanic tube, precardinal vein, spinal accessory nerve (CN XI), third ventricle, ventricular eminence(s), vertebral artery

Source: The Virtual Human Embryo.