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Carnegie Stage Section
 <   >  search results: S-1 / S-2 intervertebral region Search   18-738 18-743 18-749 18-756 19-869 19-878 20-357 20-361 20-363 20-365 21-362 22-1937 22-1951 22-1961
L-3 spinal ganglion, L-4 spinal ganglion, L-4 spinal nerve, L-5 / S-1 intervertebral disc, L-5 ventral primary ramus, S-1 / S-2 intervertebral region, S-1 ventral primary ramus, alar plate(s), basal plate, blastema of metatarsal, blastemata of posterior thigh muscles, central vein of thigh, floor plate, foot, labial swelling, marginal vein, notochord, rectum, roof plate, sciatic nerve, sulcus limitans, tibial nerve, urethral fold, urethral groove
0 μm
Carnegie Embryo #4430   |   Location: 27-15

Keywords: L-3 spinal ganglion, L-4 spinal ganglion, L-4 spinal nerve, L-5 / S-1 intervertebral disc, L-5 ventral primary ramus, S-1 / S-2 intervertebral region, S-1 ventral primary ramus, alar plate(s), basal plate, blastema of metatarsal, blastemata of posterior thigh muscles, central vein of thigh, floor plate, foot, labial swelling, marginal vein, notochord, rectum, roof plate, sciatic nerve, sulcus limitans, tibial nerve, urethral fold, urethral groove

Source: The Virtual Human Embryo.