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Carnegie Stage Section
 <   >  search results: middle pharyngeal constrictor muscle Search   18-365 19-289 19-303 20-163 20-169 21-171 21-175 21-177 23-77
C-3 / C-4 intervertebral disc, C-4 spinal ganglion, abducens nerve (CN VI), adenohypophysis, anterior cerebral artery, body of sphenoid, cephalic edge of arytenoid swelling, cervical plexus, chorda tympani nerve, dorsal thalamus, epiglottis, glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX), hypothalamus, inferior ganglion of vagus nerve (CN X), junction of internal carotid and posterior communicating arteries, lateral ventricle, mandibular nerve (CN V₃), middle pharyngeal constrictor muscle, nasopharynx, oculomotor nerve (CN III), pharyngeal arch 2 cartilage, pharyngotympanic tube, retropharyngeal space, superior cervical sympathetic ganglion, tongue root, trochlear nerve (CN IV), tympanic cavity, ventral thalamus, vertebral artery
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Carnegie Embryo #9325   |   Location: 10-3-3

Keywords: C-3 / C-4 intervertebral disc, C-4 spinal ganglion, abducens nerve (CN VI), adenohypophysis, anterior cerebral artery, body of sphenoid, cephalic edge of arytenoid swelling, cervical plexus, chorda tympani nerve, dorsal thalamus, epiglottis, glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX), hypothalamus, inferior ganglion of vagus nerve (CN X), junction of internal carotid and posterior communicating arteries, lateral ventricle, mandibular nerve (CN V₃), middle pharyngeal constrictor muscle, nasopharynx, oculomotor nerve (CN III), pharyngeal arch 2 cartilage, pharyngotympanic tube, retropharyngeal space, superior cervical sympathetic ganglion, tongue root, trochlear nerve (CN IV), tympanic cavity, ventral thalamus, vertebral artery

Source: The Virtual Human Embryo.