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Carnegie Stage Section
 <   >  search results: body of dorsal pancreas Search   20-317 20-321 20-323 21-313 21-321 23-169 23-170 23-171 23-172
T-12 / L-1 intervertebral disc, T-12 spinal ganglion, T-12 ventral root, allantois, aorta, body of dorsal pancreas, caudal edge of left lobe of liver, distal limb of herniated midgut, dorsal mesogastrium, duodenum, hindgut (colon), jejunum, left umbilical artery, lesser sac (omental bursa), mesentery, mesocolon, notochord, omphalomesenteric artery, proximal limb of herniated midgut, right lobe of liver, superior mesenteric ganglion, suprarenal gland medulla, sympathetic trunk, testis, umbilical vein
0 μm
Carnegie Embryo #462   |   Location: 5-03-01

Keywords: T-12 / L-1 intervertebral disc, T-12 spinal ganglion, T-12 ventral root, allantois, aorta, body of dorsal pancreas, caudal edge of left lobe of liver, distal limb of herniated midgut, dorsal mesogastrium, duodenum, hindgut (colon), jejunum, left umbilical artery, lesser sac (omental bursa), mesentery, mesocolon, notochord, omphalomesenteric artery, proximal limb of herniated midgut, right lobe of liver, superior mesenteric ganglion, suprarenal gland medulla, sympathetic trunk, testis, umbilical vein

Source: The Virtual Human Embryo.