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 <   >  search results: centrum of T-12 vertebra Search   19-734 20-315 20-317 20-319 21-311 23-166
T-11 spinal ganglion, allantois, aorta, centrum of T-12 vertebra, cephalic edge of lower limb, duodenum, dura mater, grey matter, hindgut, left lobe of liver, left umbilical artery, mesentery, ovary, peritoneal cavity, proximal limb of herniated midgut, rib 12, right lobe of liver, right umbilical artery, subarachnoid space, superior mesenteric artery, umbilical coelom, white matter
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Carnegie Embryo #4090   |   Location: 21-11

Keywords: T-11 spinal ganglion, allantois, aorta, centrum of T-12 vertebra, cephalic edge of lower limb, duodenum, dura mater, grey matter, hindgut, left lobe of liver, left umbilical artery, mesentery, ovary, peritoneal cavity, proximal limb of herniated midgut, rib 12, right lobe of liver, right umbilical artery, subarachnoid space, superior mesenteric artery, umbilical coelom, white matter

Source: The Virtual Human Embryo.