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Carnegie Stage Section
 <   >  search results: metacarpal 2 Search   21-203 21-207 21-213 22-1089 22-1139 23-101
T-3 spinal ganglion, artifact(s), capitulum of humerus, cephalic edge of left hand, head of radius, lunate, mammary gland, metacarpal 1, metacarpal 2, middle part of upper lip, pectoralis major muscle, radiohumeral joint, radius, rib 3, scaphoid, scapula, subarachnoid space, superior vena cava, transverse process, trapezium, trapezius muscle, trapezoid, ulna
0 μm
Boyd Embryo #H983   |   Location: 100-1-1

Keywords: T-3 spinal ganglion, artifact(s), capitulum of humerus, cephalic edge of left hand, head of radius, lunate, mammary gland, metacarpal 1, metacarpal 2, middle part of upper lip, pectoralis major muscle, radiohumeral joint, radius, rib 3, scaphoid, scapula, subarachnoid space, superior vena cava, transverse process, trapezium, trapezius muscle, trapezoid, ulna

Source: The Virtual Human Embryo.