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Carnegie Stage Section
 <   >  search results: right lower pulmonary vein Search   21-261 21-263 22-1250 22-1259 23-122 23-123 23-124
T-5 / T-6 interganglion region, apex of heart, central tendon of diaphragm, coronary sinus, distal phalynx of left digit 3 (middle finger), esophageal nerve plexus, head of rib 6, left lower pulmonary vein, lower lobe of left lung, lower lobe of right lung, middle lobe of right lung, oblique fissure, pericardial cavity, pericardial sac, peritoneal cavity, rib 6, rib 7, rib 8, right lobe of liver, right lower pulmonary vein, upper lobe of left lung
0 μm
Boyd Embryo #H983   |   Location: 117-1-1

Keywords: T-5 / T-6 interganglion region, apex of heart, central tendon of diaphragm, coronary sinus, distal phalynx of left digit 3 (middle finger), esophageal nerve plexus, head of rib 6, left lower pulmonary vein, lower lobe of left lung, lower lobe of right lung, middle lobe of right lung, oblique fissure, pericardial cavity, pericardial sac, peritoneal cavity, rib 6, rib 7, rib 8, right lobe of liver, right lower pulmonary vein, upper lobe of left lung

Source: The Virtual Human Embryo.