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 <   >  search results: L-4 / L-5 intervertebral disc Search   18-725 18-731 19-851 19-860 20-347 20-349 20-351 20-353 20-355 21-345 22-1865 22-1889
L-4 / L-5 intervertebral disc, L-4 spinal ganglion, L-5 / L-6 intervertebral disc, calcaneal tendon, corpus cavernosum, crus of penis, dorsal funiculus, extensor hallucis longus tendon, fibula, flexor hallucis brevis muscle, flexor hallucis longus muscle, flexor hallucis longus tendon, fused paramesonephric ducts, gastrocnemius muscle, glans penis, hip joint, iliacus muscle, inferior pubic ramus, lateral funiculus, ligament of head of femur, medial malleolus of tibia, median sacral artery, mesonephric duct, metatarsal 1, navicular, obturator nerve, right umbilical artery, sciatic nerve, scrotal swelling, talus, tibia, tibial nerve, ventral funiculus
0 μm
Boyd Embryo #H983   |   Location: 179-1-1

Keywords: L-4 / L-5 intervertebral disc, L-4 spinal ganglion, L-5 / L-6 intervertebral disc, calcaneal tendon, corpus cavernosum, crus of penis, dorsal funiculus, extensor hallucis longus tendon, fibula, flexor hallucis brevis muscle, flexor hallucis longus muscle, flexor hallucis longus tendon, fused paramesonephric ducts, gastrocnemius muscle, glans penis, hip joint, iliacus muscle, inferior pubic ramus, lateral funiculus, ligament of head of femur, medial malleolus of tibia, median sacral artery, mesonephric duct, metatarsal 1, navicular, obturator nerve, right umbilical artery, sciatic nerve, scrotal swelling, talus, tibia, tibial nerve, ventral funiculus

Source: The Virtual Human Embryo.