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Carnegie Stage 11

Aadenohypophyseal pouch, adenohypophysis, allantois, aortic sac, atrioventricular canal, atrioventricular junction
Ccaudal cardinal vein, chiasmatic plate, common cardinal vein, common cardinal veins
Ddermatomyotome 1 (O-1), dermatomyotome 1-2 intersegmental space, dermatomyotome 2 (O-2), dermatomyotome 3 (O-3), dermatomyotome 4 (O-4), dermatomyotome 5 (C-1), dermatomyotome 6 (C-2), dermatomyotome 7 (C-3), dermatomyotome 8 (C-4), dermatomyotome 9 (C-5)
Eectodermal ring
Ffloor plate, floor plate (diencephalon, D2), floor plate of neural folds, floor plate of neural folds (diencephalon, D2), foregut lumen (pharynx)
Iinteratrial foramen, interatrial foramen (primum), internal carotid artery
Llaryngotracheal groove, lateral body fold, left atrium, left horn of sinus venosus, left neural fold (diencephalon, D1), left ventricle, left vitelline vein, liver
Mmaxillary prominence of pharyngeal arch 1
Nneural fold (diencephalon, D1), neural fold (diencephalon, D2), neural fold (telencephalon medium, T), notochord
Oolfactory placode, optic evagination, optic primordium (diencephalon, D1), optic sulcus, oropharyngeal membrane
Ppericardioperitoneal canal, perinotochordal lamina, peritoneal cavity, peritoneal cavity (coelom), pharyngeal arch 2, pharyngeal groove 1, pharynx, primary head vein, primordial hepatic antrum
Rrhombencephalon, Rh. 1, rhombencephalon, Rh. 2, rhombencephalon, Rh. 3, rhombencephalon, Rh. 4, rhombencephalon, Rh. 5, rhombencephalon, Rh. 6, rhombencephalon, Rh. 7, rhombencephalon, Rh. D, right atrium, right atrium (epimyocardium), right horn of sinus venosus, right neural fold (diencephalon, D1), right neural fold (diencephalon, D2), right umbilical artery, right ventricle, roof plate, rostral cardinal vein
Ssclerotome of dermatomyotome 7 (C-3), sinus venosus, somite 10 (C-6), somite 10 intersegmental space, somite 11 (C-7), somite 12 (C-8), somite 12-13 intersegmental space, somite 13 (T-1), somitocoel 10, somitocoel 11, somitocoel 12, somitocoel 13, somitocoel 5, somitocoel 8, somitocoel 9
Ttangentially cut surface ectoderm (left side), tectum, tegmentum, thyroid diverticulum, trigeminal neural crest, truncus arteriosus
Uumbilical artery, umbilical vesicle stalk lumen
Vvagal neural crest
97 structures

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