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 <   >  search results: head of rib 11 Search   18-625 20-309 21-297 22-1539 23-154 23-155
T-10 / T-11 intervertebral disc, T-11 spinal ganglion, aorta, bile duct, centrum of T-11 vertebra, descending part of duodenum (second part), distal limb of herniated midgut, head of rib 11, jejunum, left lobe of liver, lumen of body of stomach, mesentery, notochord, proximal limb of herniated midgut, superior mesenteric artery, testis, umbilical vein
0 μm
Carnegie Embryo #462   |   Location: 4-03-01

Keywords: T-10 / T-11 intervertebral disc, T-11 spinal ganglion, aorta, bile duct, centrum of T-11 vertebra, descending part of duodenum (second part), distal limb of herniated midgut, head of rib 11, jejunum, left lobe of liver, lumen of body of stomach, mesentery, notochord, proximal limb of herniated midgut, superior mesenteric artery, testis, umbilical vein

Source: The Virtual Human Embryo.