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 <   >  search results: centrum of L-1 vertebra Search   19-752 19-761 20-323 20-325 20-327 22-1699
T-12 / L-1 intervertebral disc, T-12 spinal ganglion, T-12 spinal nerve, allantois, aorta, centrum of L-1 vertebra, cephalic edge of lower limb, duodenum, hindgut (colon), jejunum, kidney (metanephros), left umbilical artery, lesser sac (omental bursa), mesentery, mesocolon, proximal limb of herniated midgut, right umbilical artery, superior pole of right kidney (metanephros), testis
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Carnegie Embryo #462   |   Location: 5-04-03

Keywords: T-12 / L-1 intervertebral disc, T-12 spinal ganglion, T-12 spinal nerve, allantois, aorta, centrum of L-1 vertebra, cephalic edge of lower limb, duodenum, hindgut (colon), jejunum, kidney (metanephros), left umbilical artery, lesser sac (omental bursa), mesentery, mesocolon, proximal limb of herniated midgut, right umbilical artery, superior pole of right kidney (metanephros), testis

Source: The Virtual Human Embryo.