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Carnegie Stage Section
 <   >  search results: quadriceps femoris tendon Search   22-1720 22-1729 22-1739 22-1749 23-180 23-182
L-1 / L-2 intervertebral disc, L-1 spinal ganglion, aorta, apex of urinary bladder, caudal edge of right umbilical artery, central canal, dorsal horn of grey matter, edge of knee, hindgut, inferior vena cava, kidney cortex (metanephros), lateral horn of grey matter, left umbilical artery, lesser sac (omental bursa), major calyx, medial condyle of femur, patella, pelvis of kidney (metanephros), proximal limb of herniated midgut, quadriceps femoris tendon, right lobe of liver, testis, ureter, ventral horn of grey matter
0 μm
Boyd Embryo #H983   |   Location: 163-1-2

Keywords: L-1 / L-2 intervertebral disc, L-1 spinal ganglion, aorta, apex of urinary bladder, caudal edge of right umbilical artery, central canal, dorsal horn of grey matter, edge of knee, hindgut, inferior vena cava, kidney cortex (metanephros), lateral horn of grey matter, left umbilical artery, lesser sac (omental bursa), major calyx, medial condyle of femur, patella, pelvis of kidney (metanephros), proximal limb of herniated midgut, quadriceps femoris tendon, right lobe of liver, testis, ureter, ventral horn of grey matter

Source: The Virtual Human Embryo.