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Carnegie Stage Section
 <   >  search results: hypoglossus muscle Search   22-829 22-859
C-5 / C-6 intervertebral disc, C-6 spinal ganglion, C-6 spinal nerve, body of hyoid (pharyngeal arch 3 cartilage), cerebral vesicle (hemisphere), choroid plexus, common carotid artery, cortical plate, cricoid cartilage, dorsal horn of grey matter, extrinsic ocular muscle(s), grey matter, hypoglossal nerve (CN XII), hypoglossus muscle, internal jugular vein, mandible, masseter muscle, middle cervical sympathetic ganglion, nasal septal cartilage, optic nerve (CN II), sternocleidomastoid muscle, superior ophthalmic vein, thyroid cartilage, thyroid gland, tooth bud(s), transverse process, vagus nerve (CN X), ventral horn of grey matter, white matter
0 μm
Boyd Embryo #H983   |   Location: 77-1-1

Keywords: C-5 / C-6 intervertebral disc, C-6 spinal ganglion, C-6 spinal nerve, body of hyoid (pharyngeal arch 3 cartilage), cerebral vesicle (hemisphere), choroid plexus, common carotid artery, cortical plate, cricoid cartilage, dorsal horn of grey matter, extrinsic ocular muscle(s), grey matter, hypoglossal nerve (CN XII), hypoglossus muscle, internal jugular vein, mandible, masseter muscle, middle cervical sympathetic ganglion, nasal septal cartilage, optic nerve (CN II), sternocleidomastoid muscle, superior ophthalmic vein, thyroid cartilage, thyroid gland, tooth bud(s), transverse process, vagus nerve (CN X), ventral horn of grey matter, white matter

Source: The Virtual Human Embryo.