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Carnegie Stage 23

Aabdominal part of esophagus (2), abducens nerve (CN VI) (24), abducens nucleus (7), accessory nerve (CN XI) (75), acetabular fossa (1), acromioclavicular joint (4), acromion process of scapula (8), adductor longus muscle (4), adductor magnus muscle (4), adenohypophysis (intermediate part) (1), advehente vein (3), afferent hepatic vein (34), ala of sacrum (12), alar plate(s) (197), allantoic vein (2), allantoic vesicle(s) (10), amnion (104), anal canal (4), anal canal lumen (1), anastomosis between azygos and hemi-azygos veins (3), angle of mouth (8), ankle joint (1), anococcygeal raphe (1), anorectal junction (1), anterior atrioventricular sulcus (1), anterior belly of digastric muscle (7), anterior cerebral artery (26), anterior choroidal artery (2), anterior commissure region (1), anterior communicating artery (6), anterior gastric nerve (CN X) (9), anterior horn of lateral ventricle (1), anterior inferior cerebellar artery (6), anterior interventricular sulcus (30), anterior papillary muscle in left ventricle (1), anterior papillary muscle in right ventricle (4), anterior rectus sheath (17), anterior semicircular duct (42), anterior spinal artery (29), anterior wall of stomach (5), anus (1), aorta (490), aortic bifurcation (27), aortic semilunar valve (15), aortic vestibule (7), aorticorenal ganglion (2), apex of heart (9), apex of left lung (4), apex of right lung (7), aponeurosis (1), aponeurosis of external abdominal oblique muscle (4), aponeurosis of trapezius (1), appendix (7), arch of aorta (17), arch of azygos vein (6), arteries in pia mater (1), arytenoid cartilage (1), arytenoid swelling (12), ascending aorta (51), ascending part of duodenum (5), atlanto-axial joint (4), atlanto-occipital joint (15), atrioventricular sulcus (12), auricle (26), auricle of left atrium (16), auricle of right atrium (15), axilla (1), axillary artery (10), axillary lymph sac (3), azygos vein (55)
Bbasal plate (179), basi-occipital (basal plate) (28), basilar artery (118), basis pedunculi of pons region (metencephalon) (17), basisphenoid (8), biceps brachii muscle (5), biceps brachii tendon (2), biceps femoris muscle (3), bile duct (17), blind sack of cerebral aqueduct (2), blood vessels in vitreous body (1), body of clavicle (1), body of dorsal pancreas (9), body of hyoid (pharyngeal arch 3 cartilage) (12), body of mandible ossification (3), body of rib 6 (1), body of rib 8 (1), body of sternum (2), body of stomach (16), body of tongue (13), brachial artery (17), brachialis muscle (5), brachiocephalic artery (14), brachioradialis muscle (4), branch of hepatic portal vein (2), buccinator muscle (1)
CC-1 spinal ganglion (37), C-1 vertebra (atlas) (5), C-2 / C-3 interganglion region (4), C-2 spinal ganglion (60), C-3 / C-4 interganglion region (4), C-3 spinal ganglion (56), C-4 / C-5 interganglion region (2), C-4 spinal ganglion (52), C-5 / C-6 interganglion region (3), C-5 / C-6 intervertebral disc (12), C-5 spinal ganglion (51), C-5 spinal nerve (16), C-6 / C-7 interganglion region (3), C-6 spinal ganglion (51), C-7 / C-8 interganglion region (3), C-7 / T-1 intervertebral disc (9), C-7 spinal ganglion (51), C-7 spinal nerve (12), C-8 / T-1 interganglion region (2), C-8 spinal ganglion (49), C-8 ventral root (3), calcaneal tendon (9), calcaneum (8), capitate (6), capitulum of humerus (3), capsula extrema (1), cardiac notch region (1), cardiac orifice (2), cardiac portion of stomach (3), carina (2), carotid canal (1), carpal tunnel (1), carpometacarpal joint of digit 5 (little finger) (1), caudal edge of appendix (2), caudal edge of body of dorsal pancreas (1), caudal edge of embryo (2), caudal edge of gall bladder (3), caudal edge of glans penis (1), caudal edge of horizontal part of duodenum (1), caudal edge of inferior colliculus (1), caudal edge of isthmus of thyroid gland (1), caudal edge of jejunum loop (2), caudal edge of left atrium (5), caudal edge of left auricle (1), caudal edge of left lobe of liver (8), caudal edge of left lung (4), caudal edge of left ventricle (9), caudal edge of middle lobe of right lung (4), caudal edge of midgut loop (1), caudal edge of pericardial cavity (7), caudal edge of pleural recess (2), caudal edge of rectovesicle pouch (1), caudal edge of right atrium (6), caudal edge of right auricle (1), caudal edge of right lobe of liver (6), caudal edge of right ventricle (5), caudal edge of scapula (5), caudal edge of spinal cord (5), caudal edge of spleen (2), caudal edge of stomach (5), caudal edge of testis (1), caudal edge of umbilical cord (6), caudal end of spinal cord (3), caudal part of auricle (1), caudal part of cerebral aqueduct (1), caudal part of cochlear duct (1), caudal part of medulla oblongata (1), caudal part of pericardial cavity (3), caudal part of rectum (1), caudal part of right atrium (2), caudal part of serratus anterior muscle (1), caudate lobe of liver (14), caudate nucleus (6), cecum (7), central canal (248), central canal of spinal cord (15), central tendon of diaphragm (35), centrum of C-2 vertebra (axis) (9), centrum of C-3 vertebra (8), centrum of T-1 vertebra (7), centrum of T-12 vertebra (6), centrum of T-2 vertebra (2), centrum of T-4 vertebra (1), centrum of T-6 vertebra (2), centrum of T-7 vertebra (1), centrum of T-9 vertebra (1), cephalic edge of cochlear duct (1), cephalic edge of dorsal thalamus (1), cephalic edge of duodenum (2), cephalic edge of endolymphatic sac (2), cephalic edge of gall bladder (6), cephalic edge of ilium (1), cephalic edge of jejunum (1), cephalic edge of medulla oblongata (1), cephalic edge of penis (3), cephalic edge of pineal recess (1), cephalic edge of rib 3 (costal cartilage) (1), cephalic edge of right ventricle (4), cephalic edge of scapula (3), cephalic edge of suprarenal gland (3), cephalic edge of suprarenal gland cortex (7), cephalic edge of testis (3), cephalic edge of umbilical cord (4), cephalic part of cerebellum (1), cephalic part of pyloric antrum of stomach (2), cephalic part of rhombencoel (fourth ventricle) (2), cephalic part of spinal cord (1), cephalic tip of dens of C-2 vertebra (axis) (1), cerebellum (1), cerebral aqueduct (mesocoele) (87), cerebral arteries in pia mater (1), cerebral hemisphere (5), cerebral hemisphere (neopallium) (2), chin (18), choana (11), chorda tendinae (1), chorda tympani nerve (8), choroid fissure (20), choroid plexus (67), ciliary ganglion (3), claustrum (2), clavicle (28), Co-1 spinal ganglion (18), Co-1 spinal nerve (8), coccygeus muscle (7), coccyx (16), cochlear duct (23), coelom (44), collicular ridge (tectum) (1), colon (18), common carotid artery (26), common fibular nerve (8), common hepatic vein (2), common iliac artery (11), common iliac vein (4), common limb of semicircular duct (4), conjunctival sac (5), coracobrachialis muscle (3), coracoid process of scapula (8), cornea (29), coronary sinus (11), corpus cavernosum (6), corpus spongiosum (2), cortical plate (27), costal margin (18), costodiaphragmatic recess (5), costotransverse joint (6), costotransverse joint 1 (1), costovertebral joint (9), cranial cavity (2), cricoid cartilage (9), cricothyroid muscle (1), crista galli (6), crus of penis (3), cuboid (8), cuneiform 1 (2), cuneiform 2 (3), cuneiform 3 (4), cystic duct (23)
Ddecussation (31), deltoid muscle (23), dens of C-2 vertebra (axis) (9), descending aorta (7), descending part of duodenum (13), diaphragm (29), diaphragmatic recess of pleural cavity (1), diencephalic artery (2), diencephalon (49), digastric tendon (6), digit 1 (thumb) (3), digit 2 (index finger) (4), digit 3 (foot) (3), digit 3 (middle finger) (4), digit 4 (foot) (2), digit 5 (foot) (2), distal interphalangeal joint of digit 2 (index finger) (1), distal interphalangeal joint of digit 3 (middle finger) (2), distal interphalangeal joint of digit 4 (ring finger) (1), distal part of adenohypophysis (3), distal phalynx of digit 2 (foot) (2), distal phalynx of digit 3 (middle finger) (1), distal phalynx of left digit 1 (foot) (2), diverticulum (3), dorsal funiculus (28), dorsal horn of grey matter (56), dorsal median septum (22), dorsal meso-esophagus (34), dorsal mesoduodenum (3), dorsal mesogastrium (57), dorsal primary ramus (9), dorsal surface of left foot (1), dorsal thalamus (124), dorsal thalamus (caudal part) (1), dorsum of tongue (4), dorsum sellae (3), ductus arteriosus (13), ductus venosus (126), duodenal ampulla (1), duodenal papilla (1), dural band for tentorium cerebelli (38), dural limiting layer (3), dural limiting membrane (17), dural venous sinus (5)
Eectomeninx (1), edge of anterior semicircular duct (4), edge of ascending part of duodenum (1), edge of basilar artery (2), edge of cerebral aqueduct (1), edge of cerebral hemisphere (neopallium) (1), edge of cerebral hemisphere (telencephalon) (1), edge of chin (5), edge of choroid plexus (8), edge of cochlea (1), edge of cranial cavity (2), edge of cricoid cartilage (1), edge of diaphragm (2), edge of digit 2 (foot) (1), edge of digit 5 (foot) (1), edge of digits (fingers) (1), edge of distal phalynx of digit 4 (ring finger) (1), edge of elbow (2), edge of epiglottis (5), edge of epiphysis (1), edge of eyeball (6), edge of frontal bone ossification (1), edge of herniated intestines (1), edge of ilium (2), edge of interventricular foramen (5), edge of intraretinal space (optic vesicle cavity) (4), edge of lateral recess of rhombencoel (fourth ventricle) (3), edge of left atrium (6), edge of left carpal region (1), edge of left knee (1), edge of left lobe of liver (4), edge of left pleural cavity (2), edge of left umbilical artery (4), edge of left wrist (1), edge of lens (3), edge of lesser wing of sphenoid (1), edge of lingula of upper lobe of left lung (2), edge of median sulcus in floor of rhombencoel (fourth ventricle) (1), edge of middle nasal concha (1), edge of nasal cavity (nasal sac) (6), edge of nasal septum (1), edge of nasopharynx (1), edge of neural layer of retina (2), edge of nose (3), edge of otic capsule (1), edge of pericardial cavity (6), edge of pons region (metencephalon) (6), edge of primary palate (1), edge of right atrium (4), edge of right foot (3), edge of right hand (1), edge of right knee (1), edge of right lobe of liver (2), edge of right pleural cavity (1), edge of right umbilical artery (4), edge of right ventricle (3), edge of roof plate of mesencephalon (2), edge of sartorius muscle (1), edge of scapula (2), edge of subarachnoid space (2), edge of umbilical coelom (3), edge of umbilical vein (5), edge of unfused palatine shelf (1), edge of urachus (1), edge of ventricular eminence(s) (2), efferent hepatic vein (29), endolymphatic duct (47), endolymphatic sac (25), endomeninx (1), epidermis (1), epididymis (6), epiglottis (12), epiphysis (2), epiploic foramen (8), epithalamus (36), epithelial plug in naris (11), esophageal hiatus in diaphragm (5), esophageal nerve plexus (8), esophagus (115), ethmoid (8), exoccipital (22), extension of umbilical coelom (7), extensor digitorum brevis muscle (3), extensor digitorum longus muscle (7), extensor digitorum longus tendon (6), extensor hallucis longus muscle (5), extensor hallucis longus tendon (3), extensor hood of digit 4 (ring finger) (1), extensor muscle(s) (1), extensor tendons (2), external abdominal aponeurosis (1), external abdominal oblique muscle (28), external acoustic meatus (18), external capsule (1), external carotid artery (5), external cerebellum (6), external germinal area (2), external iliac artery (9), external intercostal muscle(s) (10), external jugular vein (7), extrinsic ocular muscle(s) (10)
Ffacial muscle (1), facial muscle layer (2), facial nerve (CN VII) (59), falciform ligament (18), falx cerebri region (45), fasciculus cuneatus (7), fasciculus gracilis (7), femoral artery (13), femoral nerve (19), femoral vein (2), femur (41), fibula (29), fibularis brevis muscle (3), fibularis longus and fibularis brevis muscles (7), fibularis longus and fibularis brevis tendons (4), fibularis longus muscle (4), filum terminale (26), flexor digitorum brevis muscle (3), flexor digitorum longus muscle (6), flexor digitorum longus tendon (8), flexor digitorum tendons (2), flexor hallucis longus muscle (4), flexor hallucis longus tendon (3), flocculus of cerebellum (2), floor plate (103), foramen magnum (2), foramen ovale (2), forearm extensor muscles (1), forearm flexor muscles (2), frontal bone (1), frontal bone ossification (9), frontal lobe region of cerebral hemisphere (2), fundus of stomach (16), fundus of urinary bladder (5), fused paramesonephric ducts (3), fusion region between cerebral vesicle and diencephalon (5), fusion region of palatine shelves (3), fusion region with anterior choroidal artery (3), future fusion region of peritoneal cavity (2)
Ggall bladder (26), ganglion impar (3), gastric fold(s) (5), geniculate ganglion (CN VII) (19), geniohyoid muscle (9), glans penis (5), glenohumeral joint (18), globus pallidus (2), glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX) (89), gluteus maximus muscle (33), gluteus medius muscle (6), gluteus minimus muscle (5), gracilis muscle (10), great saphenous vein (3), greater curvature of stomach (14), greater horn of hyoid (pharyngeal arch 3 cartilage) (3), greater sac (16), greater splanchnic nerve (10), greater splanchnic ramus (1), greater trochanter of femur (5), greater wing of sphenoid (2), grey matter (11), gubernaculum of testis (20)
Hhabenular region (3), hamate (7), head of clavicle (1), head of femur (9), head of fibula (3), head of humerus (14), head of radius (11), head of rib 11 (6), head of rib 12 (5), head of rib 3 (4), head of rib 6 (7), head of rib 7 (5), head of rib 8 (3), head of rib 9 (5), head of ulna (3), head of ventral pancreas (14), hemisternabra 3 (1), hemisternum (13), hepatic and cystic ducts (1), hepatic portal vein (50), herniated intestines (19), herniated midgut (3), hilum of kidney (metanephros) (10), hip joint (17), hippocampus (30), horizontal fissure (12), horizontal layer of intrinsic muscles of tongue (4), horizontal part of duodenum (4), humero-ulnar joint (3), humeroradial joint (2), humerus (39), hypogastric ganglion (1), hypoglossal canal (16), hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) (78), hypoglossal nucleus (7), hypophysial fossa (1), hypothalamic sulcus (85), hypothalamus (98), hypothenar muscle (1)
Iileocecal junction (1), ileum (2), iliac crest (7), iliacus muscle (5), iliocostalis muscle (50), ilium (24), incus (6), inferior belly of omohyoid muscle (2), inferior colliculus (3), inferior epigastric artery (3), inferior ganglion of vagus nerve (CN X) (48), inferior hemi-azygos vein (8), inferior horn of lateral ventricle (1), inferior lingular segmental bronchus of left lung (1), inferior major calyx (1), inferior mesenteric artery (25), inferior mesenteric ganglion (7), inferior nasal concha (16), inferior nasal meatus (1), inferior parathyroid gland (12), inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscle (4), inferior pole of kidney (metanephros) (5), inferior sagittal sinus (3), inferior vena cava (181), infraglottic cavity (4), infraspinatus muscle (2), infundibulum of right ventricle (23), inguinal canal (1), innermost intercostal muscle(s) (7), insula of cerebral hemisphere (6), interatrial septum (5), intermediate hepatic vein (1), intermediate phalynx of digit 3 (middle finger) (3), intermediate phalynx of digit 4 (ring finger) (3), intermediate zone (192), internal abdominal oblique muscle (23), internal acoustic meatus (1), internal capsule (13), internal carotid artery (112), internal cerebellar swelling (2), internal cerebellum (7), internal fiber layer (cerebellum) (2), internal iliac artery (11), internal intercostal muscle(s) (9), internal jugular vein (67), internal thoracic artery (2), interorbital ligament (21), interosseus ligament (2), interosseus muscle (2), interpeduncular fossa (17), interventricular foramen (73), interventricular septum (11), interventricular sulcus (45), intervertebral foramen (3), intraretinal space (optic vesicle cavity) (68), intrasternal joint (1), intraventricular cerebellum (3), ischial tuberosity (3), ischiopubic ramus (3), ischiorectal fossa (7), ischium (11), isthmus of rhombencephalon (43), isthmus of thyroid gland (9)
Jjejunum (27), jugular foramen (5), jugular lymph sac (41), junction of anterior semicircular duct and utricle (1), junction of brachiocephalic veins (1), junction of brain and spinal cord (11), junction of cartilages of pharyngeal arches 2 and 3 (1), junction of cerebral aqueduct and rhombencoel (fourth ventricle) (2), junction of cerebral aqueduct and third ventricle (5), junction of cochlear duct and saccule (1), junction of common iliac veins (4), junction of common limb and utricle (1), junction of ductus venosus and inferior vena cava (4), junction of duodenum and jejunum (2), junction of endolymphatic duct and utricle (1), junction of esophagus and stomach (10), junction of eyelids (2), junction of internal jugular and subclavian veins (1), junction of internal jugular vein and sigmoid sinus (1), junction of left ureter and urinary bladder (1), junction of palatine shelves (1), junction of pharyngeal arch 1 cartilages (Meckel) (2), junction of rectum and sigmoid colon (2), junction of vertebral arteries (4)
Kkidney (metanephros) (27), kidney impression of liver (1), knee joint (25)
LL-1 / L-2 interganglion region (4), L-1 spinal ganglion (52), L-1 spinal nerve (16), L-2 / L-3 interganglion region (1), L-2 / L-3 intervertebral disc (7), L-2 spinal ganglion (62), L-3 / L-4 interganglion region (2), L-3 / L-4 intervertebral disc (12), L-3 spinal ganglion (65), L-3 spinal nerve (24), L-4 spinal ganglion (50), L-4 spinal nerve (23), L-4 ventral primary ramus (5), L-5 / S-1 interganglion region (2), L-5 spinal ganglion (53), L-5 spinal nerve (18), labrynthine artery (1), lacrimal gland buds (2), lamina affixa (1), lamina terminalis (16), laryngeal pharynx (44), lateral border of kidney (metanephros) (3), lateral condyle of femur (2), lateral condyle of tibia (3), lateral funiculus (29), lateral head of gastrocnemius muscle (2), lateral horn of grey matter (29), lateral malleolus of fibula (3), lateral pterygoid muscle (1), lateral recess of rhombencoel (fourth ventricle) (15), lateral rectus muscle (4), lateral segmental bronchus of middle lobe of right lung (1), lateral semicircular duct (20), lateral ventricle (163), lateral ventricular eminence (telencephalon) (44), latissimus dorsi muscle (55), least splanchnic nerve (2), left atrioventricular (mitral) valve (7), left atrium (172), left brachiocephalic vein (9), left common carotid artery (14), left common iliac artery (38), left common iliac vein (2), left coronary artery (1), left crus of diaphragm (4), left foot (3), left hepatic vein (7), left hepatic vein tributary (revehente vein) (1), left lobe of liver (203), left lobe of thymus gland (9), left lower pulmonary vein (5), left phrenic nerve (5), left pleural cavity (3), left primary bronchus (23), left pulmonary artery (7), left subclavian artery (16), left subclavian vein (1), left umbilical artery (248), left upper lobe bronchus (1), left upper pulmonary vein (5), left vagus nerve (CN X) (33), left ventricle (148), lens (22), lesser curvature of stomach (14), lesser horn of hyoid (pharyngeal arch 2 cartilage) (1), lesser omentum (3), lesser omentum (ventral mesogastrium) (1), lesser sac (omental bursa) (48), lesser splanchnic nerve (4), lesser wing of sphenoid (6), levator ani muscle (13), levator scapulae muscle (10), linea alba (18), linguogingival sulcus (2), liver prominence (32), longissimus capitis muscle (2), longissimus muscle (50), longus capitis muscle (11), longus cervicis muscle (11), loose connective tissue (23), loose connective tissue space (1), lower cervical sympathetic ganglion (1), lower edge of lateral malleolus of fibula (1), lower eyelid (20), lower lip (7), lower lobe of left lung (73), lower lobe of right lung (80), lower trunk of brachial plexus (C-8, T-1) (8), lumbosacral trunk (10), lumbrical muscle (3), lumen of body of stomach (22), lunate (4), lung, right (5), lymph sac (2)
Mmalleus (5), mamillary body (1), mamillary recess (15), mammary gland (23), mandible ossification (4), mandibular nerve (CN V₃) (52), manubrium of sternum (4), manubrosternal joint (1), marginal ridge (42), marginal zone (185), masseter muscle (14), maxilla ossification (5), maxillary nerve (CN V₂) (34), medial accessory olivary nucleus (18), medial border of kidney (metanephros) (1), medial condyle of femur (16), medial condyle of tibia (16), medial edge of left digit 1 (foot) (1), medial edge of patella (1), medial epicondyle of humerus (1), medial head of gastrocnemius muscle (5), medial lemniscus (2), medial malleolus of tibia (4), medial part of patella (1), medial pterygoid muscle (8), medial segmental bronchus of middle lobe of right lung (1), medial ventricular eminence (diencephalon) (31), medial wall of cerebral hemisphere (1), median aperture (1), median nerve (22), median sulcus (53), medulla oblongata (13), membrane area of roof (1), membrane area of roof of rhombencoel (fourth ventricle) (3), membranous part of interventricular septum (4), mental region of mandible ossification (1), mesencephalic arteries in pia mater (2), mesencephalic artery (7), mesencephalon (54), mesencephalon (tectum) (13), mesencephalon (tegmentum) (4), mesenchymal tissue (1), mesentery (39), mesentery with superior mesenteric vessels (1), mesocolon (15), mesosigmoid (4), metacarpal 2 (6), metacarpal 5 (7), metacarpal of digit 1 (thumb) (1), metacarpal of digit 3 (middle finger) (1), metacarpophalangeal joint of digit 3 (middle finger) (1), metacarpophalangeal joint of digit 4 (ring finger) (4), metatarsal 1 (4), metatarsal 2 (3), metatarsal 3 (3), metatarsal 4 (5), metatarsal 5 (3), metatarsophalangeal joint of digit 4 (foot) (1), metatarsophalangeal joint of digit 5 (foot) (1), middle cerebral artery (9), middle cervical sympathetic ganglion (11), middle ear (tympanic) cavity (3), middle lobe of right lung (38), middle major calyx (1), middle nasal concha (3), middle nasal meatus (1), middle pharyngeal constrictor muscle (9), middle trunk of brachial plexus (C-7) (11), midpoint of midgut (ileum) (1), minor calyx (5), mucoid connective tissue (14), multifidus muscle (9), muscular layer of esophagus (9), muscular part of diaphragm (14), muscular part of interventricular septum (19), musculi pectinati (8), musculi pectinati in right atrial wall (6), musculi pectinati in wall of left auricle (2), mylohyoid muscle (9)
Nnasal capsule (16), nasal capsule cartilage (7), nasal cavity (nasal sac) (44), nasal septal cartilage (23), nasal septum (10), nasolacrimal duct (7), nasopharynx (19), navicular (5), neck of fibula (1), neck of rib 2 (1), neck of rib 3 (1), neck of stapes (1), neopallial cortex (3), neural arch (148), neural arch of C-1 vertebra (atlas) (10), neural arch of C-2 vertebra (axis) (5), neural arch of C-5 vertebra (4), neural arch of C-7 vertebra (2), neural arch of coccyx (1), neural arch of T-1 vertebra (3), neural arch of T-10 vertebra (1), neural arch of T-2 vertebra (1), neural arch of T-3 vertebra (1), neural layer of retina (15), neurohypophysis (10), normal spina bifida occulta (4), nose (14), notochord (501), notochord remnant (2), notochord remnant (nucleus pulposus) (1), nucleus accumbens (4), nucleus cuneatus (4), nucleus gracilis (4), nucleus of spinal tract of trigeminal nerve (8)
Oobex (14), obicularis oculi muscle (1), oblique fissure (43), oblique section through surface ectoderm (7), oblique sinus of pericardial cavity (1), obliquus capitis inferior muscle (2), obturator canal with obturator nerve (1), obturator externus muscle (2), obturator internus muscle (4), occipital condyle (5), occipital lobe region of cerebral hemisphere (1), oculomotor nerve (CN III) (95), olecranon process of ulna (6), olfactory bulb (21), olfactory epithelium (placode) (10), olfactory filia (CN I) (19), olfactory ventricle (3), opening of paramesonephric duct (1), opening of pharyngotympanic tube (1), ophthalmic nerve (CN V₁) (29), optic canal (7), optic chiasma (chiasmatic plate) (30), optic cup cavity (30), optic groove (23), optic nerve (CN II) (22), optic nerve (CN II) with sheath (1), optic tract (6), oral cavity (37), oral fissure (32), orbicularis oculi muscle (2), origin of abducens nerve (CN VI) (1), origin of celiac artery (3), origin of facial nerve (CN VII) (1), origin of hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) (1), origin of inferior mesenteric artery (1), origin of left renal artery (1), origin of oculomotor nerve (CN III) (1), origin of right renal artery (1), origin of superior mesenteric artery (2), origin of vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII) (1), oropharynx (12), ossifying occipital tectum (1), osteogenic layer (208), otic capsule (20), otic ganglion (6)
Ppalatine ossification (1), palatine shelf (34), palmar aponeurosis (1), pancreatic duct (3), para-aortic ganglion (1), paramesonephric duct (12), parietal lobe region (1), parietal lobe region of cerebral hemisphere (3), parietal pleura (3), parotid duct (5), parotid gland (secondary branches) (1), patella (10), patellar ligament (5), pectineus muscle (2), pectoralis major muscle (22), pectoralis minor muscle (11), pedicle (4), pedicle of T-8 vertebra (2), penile urethra (2), penis (2), pericardial cavity (266), pericardial sac (38), pericranium (5), peritoneal cavity (251), petrous part of temporal bone (otic capsule) (3), phalynx of digit 2 (foot) (1), pharyngeal arch 1 cartilage (Meckel) (47), pharyngeal arch 2 cartilage (16), pharyngotympanic tube (11), pia mater (1), pia mater on surface of spinal cord (1), pigmented layer of retina (19), pineal bud (12), pineal recess of third ventricle (1), piriform cortex (paleopallium) (3), piriformis muscle (1), plantar aponeurosis (2), plantar surface of foot (12), plantar surface of left foot (3), plantar surface of right foot (3), plantaris tendon (1), platysma muscle (30), pleural cavity (70), pleural recess (33), pons region (metencephalon) (33), popliteal artery (6), popliteal fossa (3), popliteus muscle (1), posterior belly of digastric and stylohyoid muscles (2), posterior belly of digastric muscle (1), posterior cerebral artery (34), posterior communicating artery (62), posterior gastric nerve (CN X) (10), posterior horn region of lateral ventricle (1), posterior inferior cerebellar artery (6), posterior intercostal artery (15), posterior intercostal vein (4), posterior layer of thoracolumbar fascia (1), posterior papillary muscle (2), posterior rectus sheath (5), posterior semicircular duct (35), posterior spinal artery (2), posterior wall of stomach (2), pre-optic area (8), proper hepatic artery (2), prosencephalic septum (1), proximal interphalangeal joint of digit 2 (2), proximal interphalangeal joint of digit 4 (ring finger) (1), proximal phalynx of digit 1 (foot) (4), proximal phalynx of digit 2 (foot) (1), proximal phalynx of digit 3 (foot) (1), proximal phalynx of digit 3 (middle finger) (2), proximal phalynx of digit 4 (ring finger) (1), proximal radio-ulnar joint (1), psoas major muscle (16), pterygoid (1), pterygopalatine ganglion (4), pubis (11), pulmonary ligament (14), pulmonary semilunar valve (17), pulmonary trunk (28), pulmonary trunk bifurcation (2), putamen (2), pyloric antrum of stomach (19), pyloric orifice (1), pylorus of stomach (11), pyramidal tract region (20), pyramidalis muscle (2)
Qquadrate lobe of liver (12), quadratus lumborum muscle (10), quadratus plantae muscle (2), quadriceps femoris muscle (9), quadriceps femoris tendon (6)
Rradial artery (1), radial nerve (23), radius (37), ramus communicans (3), ramus of greater splanchnic nerve (2), ramus of lesser splanchnic nerve (2), ramus of mandible (2), ramus of mandible ossification (1), rectovesicle pouch (2), rectum (38), rectus abdominis muscle (49), rectus femoris muscle (8), rectus sheath (1), region of cervical flexure (18), region of incisive foramen (1), renal cortex (1), renal pelvis (2), residual lumen (2), rete testis (3), retro-esophageal space (7), retropharyngeal space (15), rhombencoel (fourth ventricle) (265), rhombic lip (3), rhomboid major muscle (13), rhomboid minor muscle (11), rib 1 (22), rib 1 (costal cartilage) (1), rib 10 (41), rib 11 (28), rib 12 (17), rib 2 (22), rib 2 (costal cartilage) (1), rib 3 (31), rib 3 (costal cartilage) (6), rib 4 (40), rib 4 (costal cartilage) (5), rib 5 (41), rib 5 (costal cartilage) (3), rib 6 (40), rib 6 (costal cartilage) (6), rib 7 (52), rib 7 (costal cartilage) (1), rib 8 (56), rib 8 (costal cartilage) (1), rib 9 (48), right anterior segmental bronchus of upper lobe (2), right apical segmental bronchus (1), right atrioventricular (tricuspid) valve (8), right atrioventricular (tricuspid) valve opening (1), right atrium (192), right auricle (1), right brachiocephalic vein (8), right common iliac artery (26), right coronary artery (1), right crus of diaphragm (7), right elbow (1), right foot (11), right hepatic vein (7), right knee (1), right leg (2), right lobe of liver (224), right lobe of lobulated thymus gland (1), right lobe of thymus gland (9), right lower pulmonary vein (7), right phrenic nerve (5), right posterior segmental bronchus of upper lobe (1), right primary bronchus (23), right pulmonary artery (15), right recurrent laryngeal nerve (1), right testis (2), right umbilical artery (217), right upper lobe bronchus (2), right upper pulmonary vein (4), right vagus nerve (CN X) (22), right ventricle (100), roof of diencephalon (10), roof of rhombencoel (fourth ventricle) (33), roof of third ventricle (8), roof plate (249), roof plate of mesencephalon (35), root of cranial accessory nerve (CN XI) (3), root of glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX) (15), root of hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) (39), root of trigeminal nerve (CN V) (23), root of trochlear nerve (CN IV) (13), root of vagus nerve (CN X) (26), roots of vagus and cranial accessory nerves (CN X and CN XI) (1)
SS-1 / S-2 interganglion region (3), S-1 spinal ganglion (57), S-1 ventral primary ramus (10), S-2 spinal ganglion (54), S-2 ventral primary ramus (12), S-3 / S-4 interganglion region (2), S-3 spinal ganglion (41), S-3 ventral primary ramus (13), S-4 / S-5 interganglion region (2), S-4 spinal ganglion (32), S-5 spinal ganglion (23), S-5 vertebra (1), saccule(s) (8), sacral plexus (10), sacral promontory (1), sacro-iliac joint (8), sacrum (5), sartorius muscle (14), scalene anterior muscle (4), scalenius medius muscle (1), scaphoid (5), scapula (53), sciatic nerve (36), scrotal swelling (17), secondary palate (1), semimembranosus muscle (8), semispinalis capitis muscle (34), semispinalis cervicis muscle (24), semitendinosus muscle (4), semitendinosus tendon (4), sensory decussation (9), septal cartilage (3), septal papillary muscle (1), serratus anterior muscle (32), serratus posterior inferior muscle (1), serratus posterior superior muscle (2), shaft of rib 3 (1), short head of biceps brachii muscle (2), sigmoid colon (8), sigmoid sinus (9), sinus venarum (3), skin of chin (2), small intestines (1), soleus muscle (2), sphenoid (5), spinal accessory nerve (CN XI) (103), spinal cord (22), spinal tract of trigeminal nerve (CN V) (15), spinalis muscle (42), spiral ganglion (CN VIII) (2), spleen (42), splenic artery (4), splenius muscle (36), stapedius muscle (2), stapes (2), sternal angle (1), sternoclavicular joint (2), sternocleidomastoid muscle (45), sternocostal joint (1), sternocostal joint of rib 1 (1), sternocostal muscle (5), sternohyoid muscle (7), sternothyroid muscle (6), stomach (20), striatothalamic fibers (1), stylohyoid part of pharyngeal arch 2 cartilage (1), styloid process (4), styloid process of ulna (2), stylopharyngeus muscle (2), subarachnoid space (332), subclavian artery (16), subcostal muscle (3), subcostal nerve (1), subcutaneous tissue (11), subcutaneous tissue of forehead (1), subcutaneous vascular plexus (12), sublingual gland (2), submandibular duct (3), submandibular ganglion (8), submandibular gland (3), subscapularis muscle (13), subthalamus (8), sulcus dorsalis (41), sulcus limitans (276), sulcus medius (19), sulcus terminalis (7), superficial fibular nerve (1), superficial inguinal ring (1), superior belly of omohyoid muscle (3), superior cerebellar artery (12), superior cervical sympathetic ganglion (14), superior colliculus region (2), superior edge of tibia (1), superior ganglion of glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX) (17), superior ganglion of vagus nerve (CN X) (31), superior hemi-azygos vein (13), superior lingular segmental bronchus of left lung (1), superior major calyx (2), superior medullary vellum region (1), superior mesenteric artery (82), superior mesenteric vein (48), superior mesenteric vessels (7), superior nasal concha (4), superior nasal meatus (1), superior orbital fissure (1), superior pancreaticoduodenal artery (1), superior parathyroid gland (10), superior part of duodenum (4), superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle (5), superior pole of kidney (metanephros) (2), superior pubic ramus (3), superior sagittal sinus (11), superior vena cava (43), supra-occipital cartilage (2), supraclavicular fossa region (1), suprarenal gland (16), suprarenal gland cortex (41), suprarenal gland medulla (21), suprarenal impression of liver (1), supraspinatus muscle (8), suprasternal notch (1), surface ectoderm (351), suspensory ligament of duodenum (1), sympathetic trunk (285), symphysis of pubis (5)
TT-1 / T-2 interganglion region (6), T-1 / T-2 intervertebral disc (5), T-1 spinal ganglion (45), T-1 spinal nerve (8), T-10 / T-11 interganglion region (8), T-10 / T-11 intervertebral disc (9), T-10 intercostal nerve (9), T-10 spinal ganglion (44), T-10 spinal nerve (12), T-11 / T-12 interganglion region (8), T-11 intercostal nerve (8), T-11 spinal ganglion (43), T-12 / L-1 interganglion region (6), T-12 / L-1 intervertebral disc (12), T-12 spinal ganglion (49), T-12 spinal nerve (14), T-2 / T-3 interganglion region (7), T-2 / T-3 intervertebral disc (3), T-2 spinal ganglion (36), T-3 / T-4 interganglion region (10), T-3 / T-4 intervertebral disc (3), T-3 spinal ganglion (41), T-4 / T-5 interganglion region (11), T-4 / T-5 intervertebral disc (2), T-4 dorsal primary ramus (3), T-4 spinal ganglion (44), T-4 ventral primary ramus (intercostal nerve) (1), T-5 / T-6 interganglion region (8), T-5 / T-6 intervertebral disc (3), T-5 spinal ganglion (42), T-6 / T-7 interganglion region (9), T-6 / T-7 intervertebral disc (5), T-6 spinal ganglion (47), T-6 spinal nerve (12), T-7 / T-8 interganglion region (7), T-7 / T-8 intervertebral disc (4), T-7 spinal ganglion (42), T-8 / T-9 interganglion region (6), T-8 / T-9 intervertebral disc (6), T-8 spinal ganglion (44), T-8 spinal nerve (11), T-9 / T-10 interganglion region (6), T-9 / T-10 intervertebral disc (5), T-9 rib (1), T-9 rib (costal cartilage) (1), T-9 spinal ganglion (44), T-9 spinal nerve (11), tail of dorsal pancreas (3), talus (7), tegmentum of pons (4), telencephalon (8), temporal lobe region of cerebral hemisphere (3), temporal pole of cerebral hemisphere (1), temporalis muscle (7), tendons of flexor digitorum muscles of digit 4 (ring finger) (1), teres major muscle (6), teres minor muscle (2), terminal part of basilar artery (1), testicular cords (2), testis (35), thenar muscle (3), third ventricle (141), thoracolumbar fascia (6), thyroglossal duct remnant (3), thyroid cartilage (8), thyroid gland (20), tibia (45), tibial nerve (22), tibialis anterior muscle (5), tibialis anterior tendon (4), tibialis posterior muscle (2), tibialis posterior tendon (3), tip of coccyx (2), tip of tongue (4), tongue root (3), tooth bud(s) (9), trabeculae in subarachnoid space (1), trabecular part of right ventricle (31), trachea (70), tracheal bifurcation (13), tracheal cartilage (1), tracheal lumen (4), transverse pericardial sinus (4), transverse process (13), transverse process of T-1 vertebra (3), transverse process of T-3 vertebra (1), transverse process of T-7 vertebra (2), transverse sinus (12), transversospinalis muscle (8), transversus abdominis muscle (22), trapezium (4), trapezius muscle (121), trapezoid (3), tributaries of left hepatic vein (1), tributary of left hepatic vein (1), tributary of right hepatic vein (2), triceps brachii muscle (13), triceps brachii tendon (2), triceps surae muscle (3), trigeminal ganglion (CN V) (47), triquetrum (6), trochlear nerve (CN IV) (140), tuberal part of adenohypophysis (9), tubercle of rib 7 (1), tubercle of rib 8 (2), tuberculum sellae (1), tuberosity of metatarsal 5 (1), tunica albuginea (1)
Uulna (41), ulnar artery (1), ulnar nerve (31), umbilical coelom (137), umbilical cord (121), umbilical vein (179), umbilical vesicle stalk (33), uncinate process of ventral pancreas (2), unfused palatine shelf (1), upper eyelid (25), upper lip (12), upper lobe of left lung (57), upper lobe of right lung (35), urachus (3), ureter (38), urinary bladder (30), urinary bladder lumen (1), urinary bladder trigone (3), utricle (11)
Vvagus nerve (CN X) (123), valve of foramen ovale (2), vas deferens (12), vas deferens (mesonephric duct) (11), vascular plexus (124), vastus intermedius muscle (3), vastus lateralis muscle (6), vastus medialis muscle (5), venous plexus(es) (47), ventral funiculus (25), ventral horn of grey matter (58), ventral median septum (13), ventral meso-esophagus (2), ventral mesogastrium (7), ventral mesogastrium (lesser omentum) (6), ventral root (18), ventral thalamus (108), ventricular zone (185), vermis of cerebellum (metencephalon) (1), vertebral artery (105), vertebral artery in transverse foramen (1), vessels in pia mater (1), vestibular nucleus region (3), vestibule (1), vestibule of right ventricle (1), vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII) (12), vomeronasal duct (1), vomeronasal organ (7)
Wwhite matter (13)
Xxiphisternal joint (1), xiphoid (4)
Zzona limitans intrathalamica (17)

Carnegie Stage 2 3-1 3-2 4 5a-1 5a-2 5b 5c 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 All