A | acromion process of scapula (8), adductor longus muscle (4), alar plate of mesencephalon (longitudinal section) (3), anterior belly of digastric muscle (7), anterior spinal vessels (1), appendix (7), artifact disruption of amnion (1), auricular cartilage condensation (1) |
B | basal plate of caudal part of diencephalon (1), brachioradialis muscle (4), bronchogenic mesoderm (1) |
C | C-5 root of brachial plexus (1), C-6 root of brachial plexus (1), caudal edge of cranial cavity (1), caudal edge of diencephalon (1), caudal edge of elbow (2), caudal edge of left foot (1), caudal edge of lingula of upper lobe of left lung (1), caudal edge of pleural cavity (1), caudal edge of right foot (1), caudal edge of scapula (5), caudal edge of thymus gland (1), caudal edge of umbilical vein (1), caudal edge of vaginal vestibule (1), caudal part of obex (1), centrum of S-2 vertebra (1), centrum of S-5 vertebra (6), cephalic edge of auricle of left atrium (1), cephalic edge of clitoris (1), cephalic edge of epiglottis (1), cephalic edge of lateral ventricle (1), cephalic edge of left foot (1), cephalic edge of left pleural cavity (2), cephalic edge of metencephalon (1), cephalic edge of ovary (1), cephalic edge of pyloric antrum of stomach (1), cephalic edge of right pleural cavity (2), cephalic edge of vaginal vestibule (1), cephalic part of dural band for tentorium cerebelli (1), cerebral aqueduct (longitudinal section) (6), cerebral vesicle (hemisphere) (32), clitoris (1), columnella (1), commissure in roof plate of mesencephalon (6), corpus cavernosum (crus of clitoris) (1), cranial cavity (2), cricoid cartilage (9), cyst (1) |
D | diencephalon fiber tract (1), digit tip (1), digits (fingers) (4), distal limb of midgut (4), distal part of duodenum (4), dorsal nerve of clitoris (1) |
E | ear ossicle condensation (2), edge of bulging artifact space (1), edge of cerebral vesicle (hemisphere) (6), edge of ductus venosus (1), edge of endolymphatic sac (1), edge of eyeball (6), edge of ilium (2), edge of knee (2), edge of umbilical vesicle stalk (1), ethmoid (8), extensor digitorum tendon (1), extensor muscles in forearm (1), extrinsic ocular muscle(s) (10) |
F | fiber tract in basal plate (1), fibular nerve (1), first part of duodenum (1), flexor muscles in forearm (1), floor plate of diencephalon (2), frontalis muscle (3) |
G | genioglossus muscle (6), glottis (2), gluteus medius muscle (6), gluteus minimus muscle (5), greater horn of hyoid (pharyngeal arch 3 cartilage) (3), greater omentum (1), gubernaculum of ovary (2) |
H | hamstring muscles (1), hemisternum (13), horizontal layer of intrinsic muscles of tongue (4), horizontal section of surface ectoderm (1) |
I | iliacus muscle (5), inferior gluteal muscle (1), inferior meatus (3), inferior rectal nerve (1), infra-orbital lamina (facial muscle blastemata) (3), interior of embryo (2) |
J | junction of body and pyloric antrum of stomach (1), junction of caudal end of coccyx and filum terminale (1), junction of internal iliac and umbilical arteries (1) |
L | labial swelling (labium major) (4), labium minor (6), lateral epicondyle of humerus (2), lateral plantar nerve (2), left brachiocephalic vein (9), left digit 1 (thumb) (2), left foot (3), left hand (2), left kidney (metanephros) (1), left upper pulmonary vein (5), levator palprebae superioris muscle (2), longitudinal intrinsic muscles of tongue (1), lower hemi-azygos vein (1), lumen of adenohypophysis (2), lunate (4) |
M | mandible (15), medial condyle of femur (16), medial plantar nerve (2), mediastinum (1), metacarpal 1 (3), metacarpal 2 (6), metacarpal 4 (10), metacarpal 5 (7), metatarsal(s) (3), metatarsophalangeal joint (1), middle phalynx of digit 4 (ring finger) (1), midpoint of herniated midgut loop (1), missing section of herniated midgut (artifact) (1), missing tissue (1), mylohyoid muscle (9) |
N | neural arch of C-7 vertebra (2), neural arch of L-3 vertebra (2), neural arch of L-4 vertebra (2), neural arch of L-5 vertebra (2), neural arch of S-2 vertebra (2), neural arch of S-3 vertebra (1), neural arch of S-4 vertebra (3), neural arch of S-5 vertebra (2) |
O | oblique pericardial sinus (1), oblique section of surface ectoderm (1), olecranon process of ulna (6), olfactory epithelium (placode) (10), orbicularis oculi muscle (2), origin of superior mesenteric artery (2) |
P | paramesonephric duct (12), patella (10), patellar ligament (5), perineal nerve (1), pharyngeal endoderm (1), pharyngeal hypophysis (1), primordial cortical plate (2), proximal phalynx (foot) (2), pterygoid muscle blastema (1) |
R | ramus of mandible (2), right foot (11), right lower pulmonary vein (7), right phrenic nerve (5) |
S | S-3 anterior sacral foramen (1), sacral part of spinal cord (1), sacro-iliac joint (8), sacrum (5), sella tursica region (1), sternoclavicular joint (2), sternohyoid muscle (7), sternothyroid muscle (6), submandibular duct (3), submandibular gland (3), superficial vascular plexus (4), superior gluteal nerve (2), symphysis of pubis (5) |
T | T-11 / T-12 interganglion region (8), tail of pancreas (2), tarsal region (3), tegmentum of metencephalon (4), temporalis muscle (7), thyroid cartilage (8), toe (2), toe of left foot (7), toe of right foot (3), tracheal lumen (4), transverse process (13) |
V | vaginal vestibule (4), venous plexus (superior sagittal sinus region) (1), ventral arch of C-1 vertebra (atlas) (1), ventral edge of pharyngeal arch 1 cartilage (Meckel) (1) |
W | wall of cerebral vesicle (hemisphere) (1) |